A New Look

A New Year, a New Website and now a New Look.

Its kinda pretty obvious but we wanted to let you know we’ve changed our logo. We’d like to think this new logo better represents our philosophy of keeping things simple and easy. Created Portraits’ tag line is still to “Breakout of the Boring”.

Nothing else has changed. Our goal is still to create compelling and stunning images for our clients – something that is Creative – Bold – Dynamic.

So don’t be fooled. We’ll be phasing out the old logoCreated Portraits Logog from our materials as we introduce our new simplified logo.




It has served us well but now its time to move along. You still may see some of our material with this logo, just know it is being phased out and we’re still the same great company you’re used to dealing with. 🙂




Author: Ron

Photographer and owner of Created Portraits Photography a mobile family owned portrait studio located in Central Virginia. We like to help our clients to Breakout of the Boring with more contemporary portraits.